Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Prayer for Love


I am at this point where I want to love you with everything I am. I want to be the kind of woman who loves you so wholly and fully but I can see there are still parts of my heart that are hard and unwilling to give themselves over to you. What does loving you with full abandonment look like? What do you want it to look like? What is a way of living that would speak love to your heart? Will you show me? I can’t bring myself to believe that it means you expect me to quit living, but I can’t believe that it means putting so many things before you either.

I hope to be the kind of woman who loves you and obeys you even when I really don’t want to and even when it’s not convenient. I suppose I should ask you for more opportunities to love you like that. If you give them to me, I may mess up more… but how else can I develop if I don’t face these fears ? I’d rather make a complete fool of myself before you and angels and demons and people and myself than never risk growing towards the intimacy that my heart so desperately craves. So, bring me to the mountains. I’m willing to go now. I’m willing to face my fears and I’m willing to put myself to shame all for you. I’m willing to risk it all, even eternal gains if it means that I could hope to have a greater life with you my love. What I am praying is bold but my desperation is bolder than my hesitation! So take me where I must go to know you and to have more of you.

Yesterday on my run I carried a fistful of rocks to represent my sin and my disobedience and the things I have held onto so desperately as I have run through life. I released them into the river at the end of my run as a way to symbolize that I am ready and willing to let go of these idols and false representations of you. God, I want you so bad. The truth is, if I get you in this way, nothing will have a grip on me any more (as far as I can tell from this vantage point). So is it a life mission or is it an attainable lesson for life? If I can learn it now, teach me now so that I can build further and deeper and wider. I invite you to wage your war on my enemies and on my very heart so that you can have the entire territory of my soul.

I long for you. My soul longs for you.

I will come to you and I will have my war. I will destroy that which hinders my love from fully penetrating your heart. I will remove all of that which causes you to retreat from me. I desire you, all of you, and I will have you. I take you up on your offer starting now. Starting today. I will nurture you and protect you and guard you through the battle because you are my fair one and you are my prize. You are the inheritance for which I have fought for. You are my satisfaction and my gain. I will have you because I want you. Nothing can stand in the way of my love for you and nothing can separate you from my heart. So come, and don’t be afraid of the heights I will bring you too. Don’t be afraid to be exposed for the depths you have come from will only stand as a testimony for how low I will travel to find my beloved one. You are enchanting and captivating to me. You are lovely to behold. You asked me yesterday how a princess can go from rags to riches, from ashes to beauty and fulfill her roll in grace and dignity without having ever been trained in the ways of royalty… I am telling you that I am not only your prince, but your trainer. I am the one leading you and I am unswayed by the rough edges. I am not turned off by the fumbles because I chose you, knowing every mistake you would ever make and every sin you would ever choose to commit against me (knowingly and unknowingly). I chose you despite every sin anyone will or ever has committed against you. What is shame and guilt when my love washes you white as snow? Do you think I hold those things against you anymore? I do not. So come with me my sweet lover princess, and enjoy the adventure, danger and all! Isn’t that what your heart craves? The adventure of it all?

I do crave adventure with you! What else could I ask for? I trust you. I love you.

I love you too.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Testimony - Rated R

Howdy Everyone!

I have been feeling lead to share my testimony. I hope to eventually make a youtube version for those who prefer the actual voice inflections and heart of it all. I hope that some of you will bless us with your testimonies as well because as we share what the Lord has done in our lives, what He is doing, and our hopes/where He is taking us, we are strengthened, our faith is built up, and we give Him glory.

Romans 1:21-32 21 

What happened was this: People knew God perfectly well, but when they didn't treat him like God, refusing to worship him, they trivialized themselves into silliness and confusion so that there was neither sense nor direction left in their lives. 22 They pretended to know it all, but were illiterate regarding life. 23 They traded the glory of God who holds the whole world in his hands for cheap figurines you can buy at any roadside stand. 24 So God said, in effect, "If that's what you want, that's what you get." It wasn't long before they were living in a pigpen, smeared with filth, filthy inside and out. 25 And all this because they traded the true God for a fake god, and worshiped the god they made instead of the God who made them - the God we bless, the God who blesses us. Oh, yes! 26 Worse followed. Refusing to know God, they soon didn't know how to be human either - women didn't know how to be women, men didn't know how to be men. 27 Sexually confused, they abused and defiled one another, women with women, men with men - all lust, no love. And then they paid for it, oh, how they paid for it - emptied of God and love, godless and loveless wretches. 28 Since they didn't bother to acknowledge God, God quit bothering them and let them run loose. 29 And then all hell broke loose: rampant evil, grabbing and grasping, vicious backstabbing. They made life hell on earth with their envy, wanton killing, bickering, and cheating. Look at them: mean-spirited, venomous, 30 fork-tongued God-bashers. Bullies, swaggerers, insufferable windbags! They keep inventing new ways of wrecking lives. They ditch their parents when they get in the way. 31 Stupid, slimy, cruel, cold-blooded. 32 And it's not as if they don't know better. They know perfectly well they're spitting in God's face. And they don't care - worse, they hand out prizes to those who do the worst things best!

I've come to learn that my story really isn't different than many stories out there. I haven't lived a life more or less sheltered and at the same time more or less extreme than anyone else. I haven't endured more or less pain, but I have survived my perceived capacity for pain and lived to tell the story. Some may say that is a dramatic statement, but it's really a matter of perspective. When you come face to face with the "worst that can happen" and realize that you are still able to get back up and keep going, you realize that the worst can really only be so bad.

Jesus, please guide my heart, my mind, and my fingers as I type my story. Allow me to share no more and no less than would be beneficial for my audience. I pray you will bless my story to your glory so that all will know both the consequences of living apart from you and the fullness of life we are entitled to because of your love when we choose to humble ourselves before you. Bless my readers so that they see an accurate view of your heart of love regardless of history, background, struggle or success. Bless them with an ability to relate, even if we have very different stories. And bless them as they share their stories, all to your glory and all for the sake of love. This is my love story with the true lover of heart:

November 4, 2004 was the night I died. Mascara ran down my tired face. The knots in my hair made it impossible to comb through... pony tail response until I could muster the strength to deal with it. Even though I had lost nearly 60 lbs over the last several months (after a 90lb gain the previous year), the face that stared back at me was puffy.

"You slut". I thought. "You are such a dirty whore. If you're going to fuck so many strangers, you might as well get paid for it... you'd last two to five years and that would at least relieve the financial stress... you could really earn a lot money during that time... but you'd probably end up spending it after you get pregnant again or after you get STDs. The tests have always been clear so far... I wonder how much longer I'll stay clean until I get AIDS or something... hmmm... you really could make a lot of money though... at least until you start looking tired and warn out... maybe you'll meet some rich guy would give you surgery... plastic surgery in 8 years at 25 ha!... you really could make some money... you'll have to distance yourself from your family... they'll get over it and move on... soon you'll be nothing but a mention at thanksgiving and Christmas and hopefully they won't know what happened to you...hopefully... " I distinctly remember these thoughts. I knew exactly how I would do it and I weighed the consequences. Nothing could compare to the pain I had already lived through. I was a locust's shell.

Within the last year, I had been released from a long term treatment center for depression, my family broke apart, we went bankrupt, lost our home, I lost my horse who was in many ways a huge source of identity for me, I gained 90 lbs, and became deeply emerged in a sex and pornography addiction... all in one year's time. I started watching porn at age 11 but had been heavily involved in cyber sex since I was 9 years old. You'd be surprised how many people are interested in receiving nude pictures of an 11 year old online; or maybe not these days. I loved the thrill because I felt wanted and secure. I felt powerful and invisible... even though it may sound like I was stupid and ignorant, I was fully aware of the consequences of my actions. I had thought through everything and I didn't care. Part of me hoped one of the guys would just end it all for me. I had watched enough Unsolved Mysteries to know how that would work. I didn't care. I was numb and hollow. Feeding my addiction was the only thing that made me feel alive... and to quote my favorite James Bond movie, The World is Not Enough, "There's no point in living if you can't feel alive."

I take that back, one other thing made me feel alive. Pain. I sat across from my Dad the night I was caught having sex at my high school. Tears streamed down his face as He said, "I just don't understand. I feel like an absolute failure. How could this have happened. How did we get here?"

I was raised in a Christian home. My parents adored both my little sister and I. They could not have been better parents. Sometimes, it doesn't matter how well you parent your kids; there eventually comes a point where your kids are either going to honor you and make wise decisions or not. My Dad didn't know what I was into and honestly, I don't think it would have been easy for him to know. I was very good at covering my tracks and I was an expert manipulate. I hated lying, but I would do it... I felt like I was sparing his heart and that made me feel better. I felt alive when I saw his heart break. When I sat there and watching him fall apart over me, I wanted to disappear forever.

"It doesn't have to be that way you know." 

"You again?! God, when are you going to give up? Can't you see how far I am from you? I don't want you. I try and try but it's pointless. I'm a whore and won't ever change. It's a part of me. Back off."

"It doesn't have to be that way." God's voice is more of an impression for me. I don't hear it... but it comes in strong and clear. His voice is much more impacting than a normal thought.

"Show me." I was desperate to see something else. I was desperate to hope for something more... but I honestly was to afraid to hope. I was to afraid to dream. I was to afraid that if I dared to believe I could actually live differently, I would not like the "me" that I would become. I didn't want to change or let go or lose the knowledge I had acquired while hardening my heart. It actually hurts to harden your heart... and it hurts to let go of the "power" you acquire when you decided you are willing to allow God to soften it again. It hurts to come back to God... it hurts more than feels like...coming alive.

God gave me two images.

One was a tired, unhealthy, skinny woman with three children. They were very poor and the woman could not take care of the children. They lived in a very dangerous area in a small one bedroom apartment. The woman desired to nurture her children and raise them well, but the demands of pure survival kept her in a constant state of drowning within unmanageable stress. She was hounded by her pimp because she couldn't pay him and could no longer get work. She couldn't afford clothes or food or furniture. Everything was dirty. She was past the point of hoping for change.

The other woman was healthy and energetic. Everywhere she went, she was surrounded by life and gave life. I was unclear how many kids she had, but there were 2-4 of them...all blonde, all happy, and they loved her. Her husband adored her and their children. She was provided for and she was a blessing to her family and friends. She was whole and lived in complete freedom. She was structured and organized and content. She radiated with joy, peace, and security.

"Choose life. Choose me." That was all He said. That was all He needed to say.

My heart was hard... but renewed. I challenged God, "If you want me than you can have me, but you have to do the work. I'm done trying and I can't change on my own. If you'll change me, I'll be yours." That was all I said. That was all I needed to say.

And then I died.

James 4:7 

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
I didn't feel any different, but I had a strength I did not have before. I continued to struggle with pornography until the fall of 2009 (I was healed from that addiction August of 2009, praise God! I tried watching one show sense and after 5 minutes I was so sick I could not continue... yes, it is possible to be freed from sexual strongholds!). My hope strengthened as time passed and I experienced many outward changes in my life because I was honoring God. 

Some of the changes were: weight loss, forming healthy friendships, getting and holding various jobs, starting college, social/spiritual/physical/emotional maturation, and I was led to Tulsa, OK to live with a woman and her son for two years. Ali and Donovan. They became my family. I was 17 when I moved in with them. Ali treated me as a daughter. We are still very close, though we don't talk as often as we both would prefer due to the busyness of life.

Ali modeled "womanhood" for me. I can't describe it any other way. She was confident, independent, self sufficient, organized, loving, feminine, sexy, and fierce! Ali is so much of who I wanted and want to be. I treasure her and I treasure the time I was able to spend with her!

My Mom and I didn't talk for nearly two years. Ali was instrumental in encouraging me (and making me) heal in the relationship with my mother. God has sense healed the relationship between my Mom and I and we are actually very close now! A miracle.

When I was in Tulsa, I was prophesied over. A girl prayed for me and told me a message from God, "God says that your Dad will be given a job. The enemy will be forced to repay everything He has stolen from you and your family a hundred fold for generations to come and you will be blessed."

I have clung to that promise. That promise gave me so much hope to believe and continue on. See things were better, but the financial stress continued to remain overwhelming for years and years. From 2001 until the present day it has not been uncommon for my family (Dad's side) and I to come down to $5-10 in our bank account for long periods at a time (sometimes with or without hope of more income coming in) but God has always provided what when need, when we need it. The financial struggle was a huge contrast from when I was young. We were actually fairly wealthy when I grew up and lived luxuriously.

I moved back to Dallas when I was 19. The "health, wealth, and happiness" message of the charismatic church which taught that if you are in right standing with God and if you have the faith, you should experience health, prosperity, and happiness had me completely burnt out on my relationship with the church (not to be confused with my relationship with Christ). I couldn't understand why I was under so much financial stress, why I was struggling to loose the last 15 lbs, and why I wasn't all that happy when I truly did feel like I loved God as much as I could. I did want to have a better relationship with the Lord, but just kept feeling like I was hitting walls with Him. I was stagnant and bored.

Christian college was really the only answer, right? I mean what could be a better way to spark a passion for Christ and give me an educational foundation for life than to go to college at a Christian university?! Wrong.
Four months, two nervous break downs, and one massive culture shock later, I found myself back in Dallas, living at home, and trying to figure out "what the hell is wrong with me?!" I still to the day have no clue what was wrong with me, ha! Maybe it was just the wrong place at the wrong time, or the right place for the right time?

Either way, during my volte-face, I fell in love the Loudest, Proudest, Fightin Texas Campus... the one and only, Texas A&M University. I moved down to College Station for the next semester, and one of the loneliest semesters I would face during college. It just so happened to be the loneliest semester when I would meet my first love.

When you're just 21 years old, it's easy to base intimacy and a rocket fueled infatuation on whatever floats your boat and my sails were up! Full speed ahead!

"No, thank you. We are dressed in our best and are prepared to go down as gentlemen. But, we would like a brandy." ~ Titanic (1997)

"Courtney, we have been through this time and time again. When are you going to learn?! I am so frustrated and angry! I hurt for you. Courtney, it breaks me heart to say this, but you're on you are on your own with this one."

Tears flooded my eyes. They could streams down my face as heavily as they wanted to...but I wouldn't cry. I couldn't cry. I was determined to give my baby all of me whether I had my Dad's help or not.

"Ok. You've been here before, you can face it again. Adoption is an option. Abortion could be too... I mean you still have two years of college left! Your boyfriend won't be around forever even if you do keep it. You'll end up alone if you keep it. Alone with a baby working a minimum wage job... the baby will grow up in day care if you keep it... who will marry you with a kid? Someone with another kid? Someone willing to put up with all of your baggage ..probably because they have a lot of baggage'll end up divorced or at best, unhappy because of your joint baggage...back to the baby...what will you do?! Think!"

I couldn't think. I was overwhelmed. I decided I wouldn't do abortion, no matter how appealing or convenient or easy it seemed. I believed and do believe life begins and conception and I wouldn't take someone else's life just because I knew I would have to sacrifice the dreams of mine. I have and have never been so scared in my life. The only way I can describe it is feeling completely blank. It's that feeling you get when you stand in a pitch black room and all the sudden the lights are turned on and all conscious thoughts vanish. It's just waking up from the deepest nap of your 5 old life wondering who you are and how you got there. It's hearing, "Are you sitting down? I need to tell you some, it's not good..." It's knowing you better muster something bigger than yourself real fast or completely fall apart, possibly forever.

Even with the stress and the pain and fear, I hoped. I hoped for that little baby because I decided that whether it was going to belong to me or a couple who could love and nurture him/her and provide for him/her, I was determined to sacrifice all of me so that he/she could have all that life could give him/her (yes, even though using "it" would be more grammatically pleasing and probably more liberally appealing, it was a living baby and we will acknowledge that here).

I was surprised by how grief struck I was just one week later when I miscarried. It's funny how deeply you can grieve something you don't even want.

I broke up with my boyfriend about three weeks later. That was excruciating. I felt like I had lost everything. I cried and screamed in my closet until I was to dehydrated to cry and scream and I lost my voice. I just wanted the roof to fall down on me. I knew it was the wise choice though.

"God, I am so deeply sorry for the way I have lived. I say I am a Christian, but I have not lived like it. I've put $10,000 on my credit card, been having sex with my boyfriend, have turned to nearly anorexic eating, and am a slave to pleasure. Please forgive me. Make me the kind of woman who doesn't just say that she's a Christian, but who lives life like a Christian. Make me the kind of person who not only talks the talk, but walks the walk."

Romans 12:2 

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 

Proverbs 4:23 

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

In an effort to change habits and "detox" from life really, I made some changes. I committed to attend church, I quit reading magazines, quit watching TV, quit listening to any music that didn't reflect God's heart, began reading my bible every day, and took on a mentality of complete, raw, and total honesty. Honestly, I kind of thought if I were completely honest about who I was, the church would hate me and I'd have an excuse to do whatever I would want to do. But the more honest I became, the more my heart changed, the more accountability I had, the more friends I made, and the more I matured in Christ. Scary huh? You should try it.

When you take out something in your life, you have to fill the voids with something else. To replace tv, I started listening to a lot of Christian podcasts. It fulfilled my want for entertainment and it also increased my knowledge, faith, and conviction.

I began dating a guy who I loved in August 2009. We dated a year before becoming engaged. We were engaged for three months before agreeing that we made better friends than lovers. I did love him. I do love him. I learned so much about being a woman in that relationship. I gained a lot of confidence. I also learned a lot about who I don't want to be.

See, in that relationship, I was very controlling, degrading, disrespectful, and demanding. I wasn't thankful and I wasn't a team player. I was selfish and hurtful. I don't regret the relationship and I don't regret the breakup...but I do regret giving my heart at the end. Maybe I had to in order to see the whole picture.
Weeks after the break off of the engagement, I lost my dog. That was a huge low. I agreed to finish college with no drama and no ups or downs...just a normal, easy life. I started a project called, "Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" (after Britney Spear's song)Where I outlined nine different dimensions of my life (i.e. physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc.) with different goals within each dimension. Each goal had a plan of action so that I could have steps to work on that would ultimately lead to achieving the goal. I completed almost all of them in just one year and a half. I am currently working on a new project with the same design entitled, "Man, I Feel Like a Woman! (Shania Twain's song is referenced of course). I don't have an end date for that one.

Luke 1:45 

Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!"

The last two years have been delightful and excruciating. I think I'm coming to the realization that every season of life, when well lived will always have a measure of both joy and pain. I strive to embrace the fullness of life with all it's ups and downs. I'm not afraid of the downs because they make the highs that much more beautiful...and if we are being totally honest, even the worst places in life can sometimes have hidden pockets lined with beauty.

God has been my lover and I'm living out the most scandalous love affair with Him. I was a harlot, bound by insecurity, uncertainty, shame, and hate. He loved me... and he kept loving me... even when I fought Him. He pursued me and didn't stop, no matter how much I wanted Him too. Secretly I hoped He wouldn't, though I was compelled to constantly challenge His love for me. Through pain and suffering, He kept loving me and He kept sending people and messaging and acts of kindness and forgiveness and grace until my heart could bare it no longer! I turned to Him, and admitted that I couldn't help but notice. And in that raw, dirty, gritty, tangible sewage of a mess I found myself in, I was captivated by His heart for me. He took me hand and he led me through deliverance. He lead me to life. He didn't just revive me, He renewed me, restored me, and released me! I was made into a person with a different heart, different thoughts, and different desires. It wasn't a fight and it wasn't against my will. He only gave me the change I was ready for, in the timing that I was ready for it.

I was afraid that if I were to fully embrace God and being a "Christian" that I would lose myself... I tell you truth, I found myself! I found life. The person I was before was the illusion of who I thought life could be...but as I said before, I was an empty locust shell of a rock star just chasing the dream. I died. But I was resurrected to anew. And I stand before you today, cleansed from my past, shameless, freed and alive.
I am still a very imperfect work in the process of being perfected in Christ. But I have security because I know He is mine and I am His.

Proverbs 31:25 

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

My prayer and hope for you my friend is that you will be filled with the knowledge of the fullness of life that is available to anyone and everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord. Be blessed! Don't be afraid that your journey will look the same as anyone else's journey. We are all unique. We all have an adventure of our own. We all have a beast to conquer. We all have a true love waiting for us. Will you respond to His call of Love? Repent of your sin and of chasing other love affairs. Repent of the hardness that comes from doing life the selfish way. Repent of imperfection, for we all fall short in some way of another... we all fall short of the standard that Perfection has set. But we can all have complete and utter forgiveness no matter who we are or what we have done or what strongholds we have been aligned to. God is more powerful than all that, and the good news is this: God is loving! He wants you, so go to Him.

Titus 2:11-15 

For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. 12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, 14who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.15 These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.

Psalm 42:1 

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.

I would love to hear your story and whether or not my story encouraged you! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and my testimony! I am writing the full story (yes, it's actually much more detailed) in a book and would love your prayer as I go through and edit it. So far, I have been working on it for a year and hope to have the edits finished by December 2014 (I know that's generous...but I know me...).

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dolly and Donte's Gardening Adventure

Once there was a little one bedroom apartment in a little town within a big city. In the apartment lived two kittens named Dolly and Donte. Dolly and Donte had  a pet human in addition to a tank full of pet fish that were also good substitutes for dinner and/or boredom, which came often for cats as brilliant as Dolly and Donte.

See, brilliant cats have working minds. Working minded animals must alternate between constant stimulation and deep undisturbed nap times.

After one of her long and undisturbed naps, Dolly woke up one day and thought to herself, “It must be very pleasant outside because the sun is shining, the colors on the leaves are bright, and my human looks like she is ready to go out.” Dolly decided to herself that the human could use a little fresh air, so she went to the glass door that lead to the back porch of the little apartment that sat in the middle of the little town that was encompassed by the big city.

Dolly stood on two legs and put her front paws on the window. She looked around at the human who was busy trying to find something to watch on the mundane TV. Dolly begin to paw at the window. The human noticed but didn’t get up to open the door. So Dolly kept pawing and pawing and scratching and scratching; faster and faster she went until the human laughed, stood up, and opened the door.

“Thank you human”, Dolly said in her most lady like voice just before delicately stepping onto the wood patio.

“WAIT!!!” Donte meowed as he ran past Dolly to get outside.

“Excuse you Donte.” Dolly reminded Donte of the appropriate necessity of manners… but being a young kitten, Donte’s focus on manners was fleeting. He jumped onto the large pot that contained the cool, moist dirt bed for the baby palm tree that his human tried so desperately to save the last fall. Unfortunately for the human, the cold weather had froze the tree into a limp, sad little plant that barely stood crooked.

“Donte, I’ve been thinking…” Dolly waited for his acknowledgement of her segue into a deeper conversation.

Donte was to busy pulling dead leaves off the dead plants that stood lifeless in the pots on the pot shelf.

“Donte, please… this is very serious.”

“I’m listening…” Donte barely whispered through his forest of other ideas.

“Donte, I’d like to take up gardening. I want to dig up that tree immediately. The dirt would make a perfect bed for cat nip and grass and we could make a little place to lay down in the sun… oh Donte, wouldn’t that be fabulous?!”

Donte whipped his head and body around so that he was facing Dolly as a soldier faces his commanding officer before receiving orders, “Can I help dig?!”  

Dolly thought for a moment…and another moment just for a dramatic effect, “Yes Donte. You may HELP dig, but remember, the human will not understand why we are digging up this tree, so we must use discretion about how we go about it.”

The cats began digging feverishly. They dug until the tree fell over and hit the fence!

“What is going on out here?!” the human asked as she peaked her head out of the door to check on the cats.

Dolly and Donte froze.

“Donte… don’t move a muscle. If we don’t move she can’t see us.”

Donte froze as if he had been frozen in the arctic for the last 2 million years. Dolly could swear he quit breathing.

The human walked over to them, “Oh… my tree! You cats have been digging.” The human picked up frozen Donte who didn’t move even one hair, “Oh you’re covered in dirt!” the human complained as she wiped the dirt off his tummy, feet, and sides. She put Donte down in the house and he stood still, frozen.

“Oh Dolly! You two!” As the human began to pick Dolly up, Dolly surprised herself with a slight hiss that quickly turned into a moan. Dolly was perfectly capable of gardening and cleaning herself off… she was no longer a kitten and didn’t care to be discredited as a talented gardener.

“Humans don’t know anything about plants… Dolly complained to Donte as the human sat her down in the little apartment’s living room. “Well, I suppose it’s time for a nap.” Dolly stated.

And that was the story of the time Dolly and Donte decided to garden. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Almost to the End, Approaching the Beginning

I wish there was a way to take a picture of the circumstances of my life at this moment. I want this circumstantial snapshot in part because I know that I will treasure the memories, I will laugh at the past, and I will smile at who I once was with the wisdom and life experience of whom I’m going to become…. The other reason I want this little remembrance is because hindsight cannot hold the depth of the stress, frustration, anxiety, and complexity of what I am currently facing today. The next best solution is a little journal token that I invite you to enjoy.

Here I am in my last two weeks of college. I’m so exhausted, I almost feel like a zombie most of the time. It’s not just the semester, but the last 6 years that have brought me to this place. The entire time I have been in college (on average of course), I have worked between 15 and 60 hours, worked out 5-6 days a week, taken a full course load (12-15 hrs), maintained a fairly active social life, cooked 95% of my meals, had pets (most of the time), travelled, paid my bills, used a bike as my only form of transportation for the last year (but used it to commute for the last 3), and maintained an A/B/C (for those tough ones) grade average. I have accomplished a lot! I’m tired.

This semester has been unique. I have worked hard!

There are pockets of time where I am on campus in the quiet and a wave of rest comes… and I can’t help but break down. I’m filled with joy, gratefulness, relief, and longing for the bittersweet memories that I know are fleeting and short lived.

For the next two weeks, the campus is mine… after that, it will change. It will still be mine… but I won’t know it in the same way. I won’t have that disgusted familiarity that I’ve grown to hate… yet learned to love and adore. I won’t have to take the same bike route every day. I won’t sit in the same seats in the same rooms of the same buildings. I’ll walk around campus like I did before I got here, knowing that I am no longer a student.

In addition to what I’ve just mentioned, I have two kittens. Yes, I know, that may seem like a mundane fact about my life… but it’s about to blossom into a huge mess. On top of work, school, finals, friends, church, cooking, commuting via bike, and just wanting some time to rest from it all… my precious new kitten has come with ringworm. That’s right… ringworm.

Ringworm is a fungus (not a worm). I almost wish it was  a worm or a parasite or something else though because this fungus is actually exceptionally hardy. Little sores form all over your body and itch (mine hasn’t itched that bad but I have over 60 spots). It can live years in an environment without a host. With treatment and decontamination, you can get rid of it in 2-4 months.

So, I’m taking oral meds, the cats are taking oral meds. I have to “dip” the cats (aka bathe them) in this solution once a week. Just imagine bathing a cat in a solution that smells like rotting eggs…. Dolly ended up on top of my head and Donte left me with some pretty impressive battle wounds all up and down my arms. 
Too bad I can’t say that some wild, untamed man did that… well, I guess it was a wild, untamed, wet, man cat!

In addition to the dip, the cats must live in the bathroom for the next two months and I must deep clean the bathroom 2-3 times/week with bleach. Deep cleaning means ALL surfaces, everywhere and everything that is on the surfaces (if you didn’t know).

Then there is the decontamination of the house.

I have officially washed all the pillows, rugs, slip covers, placemats, clothes, towels, etc. that has come into contact with the cats (basically my entire house). After having to wash all that stuff at the coin machines ($$), 
I have to mist everything I want to keep with bleach. I have officially misted all the laundry, curtains, furniture, carpet, surfaces, and baseboards. I have to do that once a week or so until the ring worm is cleared up.

I’m still not sure if I should clean out my fish tank. I might just bite the bullet and do it… I just don’t want the fish to catch anything.

As far as I go, humans don’t spread it as easily as cats. That’s fortunate. Still, I have to wear pants and long sleeved shirts when I’m in public and I can’t touch anyone. So far I have been successful!

Ok so while all this is going on, I am job hunting (which feels like another job). I am looking for flight attendant jobs and just did my first interview in Houston a couple of days ago. A friend allowed me to use her car and another friend let me spend the night, so God really provided!

I am pretty sure I got the job. I don’t want to count my chickens before they hatch, but I got my background check, signed my new employee paper work, and got drug tested (so thankful I haven’t done any drugs!).

They tell me I may start my unpaid 4-6 week long training (with no days off during that time) Jan 7th. I can’t bring the cats… so I will need to figure out what to do with them. Also, I need to find a subleaser for my apartment so I won’t have to pay rent. I think I can afford the unpaid training if I find a subleaser. So I’m actively looking, putting ads online, posting flyers everywhere I find a bulletin board, etc.  

Aside from finals, there is one other aspect of my life that I’m trying to juggle… my graduation/25th birthday/goodbye party… also in 2 weeks. I’m trying to plan a murder mystery dinner party and unfortunately, I’m having to do it single handedly… I love a party though and I can’t help but seek a special treat since I’m working so hard on everything else.

My relationship with God is better than it has possibly ever been. I’m finding time in the mornings and in the evenings to spend with Him one on one. I love that! All through the day I am full of praise. And in those moments where the stress and pressure wash over me, and I feel like I’m drowning.. He is there comforting me, reminding me that He will help me through all this.

So… I think that sums up my life right now. A very taxing, stressful, joyful, exciting end to an adventure!
Fasten your seatbelts ladies and gentleman, I’m preparing for take off! 

Oh, and yes, I will be a blogging FA! 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Baptism Flyer

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
Prone to Leave the God I love
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it
Seal it for thy courts above

Dear Friends, Family, and possibly some strangers!

                Thank you so much for coming to my baptism! In addition to the day that I accepted that Christ, the Son of God is my Savior, this is the most important day of my life. It is the day that I am publically proclaiming to follow Christ. It is the day when I will be truly made accountable for the rest of my life before God and all who witness this sacred event.
      If you are a believer, please hold me to the standard that Christ set for us. Pray that Christ will bless me to be a model and example of Himself in everything I do. Pray that He will strongly convict me when I’m not. Pray that I will have courage and confidence in sharing the good news, HE IS ALIVE! HE IS THE HEALER, REDEEMER, FRIEND, and LOVER of the human heart.

                If you do not believe, than know this:

                Christians are no different than you from perfection or “good livings” point of view. We make horrible mistakes that hurt ourselves and everyone around us. The difference between us is that we have been given faith to believe that Christ, who was perfect and without mistakes…without evil… came to save us. We believe that He was murdered in order to fulfill God’s requirement for justice. God required a price to be payed for all the mistakes every person makes, He required a worthy payment for what we call sin, or evil. Jesus was that unblemished, perfect, mistake-less sacrifice. He did not deserve to die… but He volunteered. In doing so, Jesus payed God for our sin.

                I know this is a complicated concept. It would be as if you had committed a crime. You were brought into the court room and the Judge (or God in this case) said, “You have committed a crime. The only punishment I give out is death. Everyone who comes into this court room who has committed any offense receives this punishment.”

You know you’re guilty. Are you perfect? Have you ever told a lie? Even a white lie? Have you ever stolen anything… even as small as a pen or a piece of paper that did not belong to you? You’re not perfect… you’re guilty. You stand before the judge with your heart beating so fast, your hands sweating, your throat closing up… you can’t speak because you know the inevitable is coming.

Suddenly, a man you’ve never met storms into the courtroom! “Stop! I volunteer!!” (Can you tell I’m a Hunger Games fan?!) “I volunteer to take this criminal’s punishment! Look over my life’s record… you will find no fault in me. I don’t deserve this death penalty, But I’ll take it if you will allow the criminal to go free!”

The judge looks over the man’s record with a fine tuned eye for detail. “I find no guilt in your life. I will accept your offer. You will die in place of the criminal who has committed the crime. Because of your unselfish act of love, I will grant you power over my death penalty. If you defeat death, than I will grant every criminal who believes that your sacrifice was just life. I will give them a pardon if you defeat death.”

You stand speechless. How could it be?! You watch as tears well up in your eyes as the guards brutally handle the man who just volunteered to save you. They beat him with clubs and tazor him. They drag his weak, bruised body off to the execution site. You run after…

It’s too late. They have him restrained and are dripping the serum into his arm. As He breathed His last breath He sighs, “It is finished. They will be forgiven their crimes, they will be set free.” And he died.

You scream out! You can’t believe he’s gone!

They unplug Him. You walk into the room… and stand before the body… sobbing for relief… yet sobbing for guilt. You deserved the death you just witnessed. You were guilty. You fall on his chest crying, sobbing as your tears soak the stranger’s shirt.

A hand gently rests upon your back, and a whisper comforts you.

“It is finished, beloved one. You are free.”

It’s the stranger’s voice!! You jerk up, amazed! He gently smiles, “I said I would do it… see, it’s not just you that I defeated death for. It’s not just you that I desired to take the execution for… it’s all of the criminals. Go tell all of the criminals you know about me, so they will know who to go to when they stand before the judge. Tell them so they will know to tell the judge that they know me.” And you do… you tell everyone you possibly can! You will never be the same.

That is exactly what Jesus did for us…. And because I believe, He changed my heart. I am not who I was. I cannot help but share this news, because I have been rescued from death and I have been given a life worth living.

This offer is for you too.
John 3:16-22
New International Version (NIV)
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

                If you have any questions, thoughts, or a story you’d like to share about anything you’ve seen, read, or experienced today please email me/facebook: Courtney Reed:

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Day, ToDay: Wednesday

Here is a little synapses of what a typical Wednesday may look like in my world:

Good Morning! I wake up at 5:50am, snooze until 6:00am and then spend the next 30-45 minutes praying, reading the bible, listening to music, and reviewing the plethora of emails I received during the last 8 hours. I rarely respond to them... if you aren't my boss and if you've emailed me, you know that. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Wasteland of Love

I hold onto you
Hoping the memory will change with time
Hoping something about us could be different
Hoping that through my state of bittersweet reverie
I will become lost forever in a dream I wouldn’t ask to bestir

I would trade all the thrills of life just to lay lifeless holding a picture of your love at one point in our lives in my dreams
I would sacrifice hoping for the next time
For I know it will never come
I will become a cenotaph of the love I once knew, a monument to adorn the grave of my desire
Heartbroken sojourners will look upon me and count themselves blessed
How could they not when they see my ruin?

Without your love, my heart only beats oil
My veins are coated with black tar
My skin becomes like the dust of Dasht-e Kavir
My eyes dry into raisins
My hair remains yellow, but only as yellow as straw… not even fit to eat
My soul and heart, hollow as a locust’s shell
But my mind, fixed on you.

Don’t call my story a tragedy
For it would do my life an injustice to reduce it to just that
Don’t ever speak my name or talk of my love
It cannot be understood through the telling of tales
Don’t mourn and fast and wail for me
Mourning must eventually turn to hope
Fasting will eventually be won by hunger
Wailing will die out as it’s soothed by comfort
Don’t remember my pain and don’t remember me

The song of my heart ceases to beat
The light from which shown from my eyes, onto my lover, extinguished
My breath is pointless, and spent only in vain against my will
Though once Eden I have become a wasteland
Allow me to vanish just as a spray of mist in the heat of the day